Wife: Ludmilla Pergler
Child: Josef Pergler
Born: About 1755 in ?Braum, Czech Republic
Died: After 1780 (Son Josef's Birth)
- Czech Birth Certificates translated into German in 1942
- Josef Pergler born 1 February 1780 in Braum to Simon Pergler (Bauer) & Ludmilla - Catholic Religion
- Rosalia Bily (married to Josef Pergler) born 2 August 1783 in Kublau to Wenzl Bily and Anna
- Katharina Kriz born 17 October 1788 in Jetrichowitz to Mathias Kriz and Katharina
- Franz Hosna born 6 February 1794 in Aunuz to Joseph Hosna and Anna
- Marriage of Josef (son of ???imon/Simon Pergler ... from Braum) Catholic Age 23
and Rosalia (daughter of Wenzl Bily from Kublau) Catholic Age 21 on 29 July 1804
- Johann Pergler born 1 June 1805 in Braum to Josef Pergler (Gastwirt) and Rosalia (maiden name Bily/Biliy)
- Wenzel Pergler born 1 October 1847 in Braum/Braun to Johann Pergler (Hausler) and Anna (maiden name Spacek)
- Anna Spacek (married to Johann Pergler) born to Karl Spacek and Anna Trikaus Reich.
- Provided by Oliver Pergler from Baden, Austria