Step-Father: Carl Pergler
Mother: Margaret Pergler
Wife: Patricia Rebecca Tatum Pergler
Born: Before 1947 in ?(Alexandria, Virginia)
Married: June 1967 in ?(Alexandria, Virginia)
Died: After 1999
- Marriage Announcement - 5 February 1967
- "Tatum-Pergler"
- "Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Tatum of Nashville, Tennessee, announce the engagement of their daughter, Patricia Rebecca Tatum, to Ensign Robert Armstead Pergler, U.S. Navy, son of Lutienant Colonel Carl Pergler, U.S. Air Force, and Mrs. Pergler of Alexandria, Virginia."
- "Miss Tatum attends George peabody College."
- "Her Fiance, Robert Armstead Pergler, a graduate of Vanderbuilt, is stationed at Meridian, Mississippi."
- "A June 1967 wedding is planned."
- Published in the Washington Post, 5 February 1967
- Carl Pergler History (Brother)
- Born 4 Nov 1942 in Washington D.C., USA
- Step-Father: Carl Pergler
- The elder Carl remarried in 1949 - Marrying Margaret - He adopted her two children Marty and Robert
- In 1999 Robert lived in Texas